Monday, August 2, 2010

Will not be going to gym today...
Have got such a sore throat and a bit of a fever...
I have no voice either!!!!!!!!!!!

Will be going out for nails today...wanted to cancel, asked hubby to call as I am concerned about affecting Jenny so close to the Festive Season...he told me * u not that sick, GO* - so as I cant call her to ask her myself how she feels about me coming..I'm going!! But am annoyed that I cant carry out what my instincts are telling me.

Last night I got to bed with only 3 000 I know I ate lots more calories than I used for the day, not a good feeling at all, and the other thing I noticed was that I was picking on snacks all of yesterday...something I dont do when I go to I knew that I would be going to gym come what May, sick or not...I could not have another day like yesterday...

First thing when I got out of bed was get dressed in my gym clothing...I then got stuck into the roof area as the boys will be staying there - cleaned, put new bedding on beds, vacumned, dusted, sorted out the computer area for them to use as I have the laptop for ME!
Cleaned the middle level ( my bedroom and bathroom - not forgetting spare room incase one of the boys wants to stay in that room )
Then went to gym...with a book, the first time I've done that - the only reason I took the book was I didnt intent to work hard due to my throat ( which is much better ) - the book I took with is called *Eat Smart and Stay Slim* by Liesbet Delport RD (SA) and Gabi Steenkamp RD (SA) THE GI DIET...

I did one hour and 20 mins...time just flew while reading this book at it had my full attention it is so interesting...

I burned 1249 calories
Zone for 53 minutes...
12573 steps
Time 14.34

I've been up since 5am - Heinz has gone off to Frankfurt airport to collect his two nephews - I am stressing about having them around for 2 full weeks!!
Last night Heinz's mom called from Natal and the first thing she said to me was * ARE YOU GOING TO BE A GOOD AUNTY TO THE BOYS? * - My reply was ~ why should I not be?~ WHAT IS SHE THINKING!!!
She then went on to tell me that the boys needed their space, they liked their space and privacy...
Heinz will be dropping them off this morning then going to work, so on their first day in Germany I am left alone with two boys of 17 and 15 that like being alone that I dont know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stress level increases just thinking about it...

By the time I got to bed last night my steps were 13 6000 - I was chuffed!!

I'm going to get dressed for gym now, then after the post lady has been (around 10am) I'll go down - Heinz has ordered my Xmas gifts via Amazon and expects them anyday now.

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