Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 184

20g Special K
20g Fitness Cereal
WW yogurt

Going to cycle in my bedroom today and watch American Idol...not in the mood to go to gym and the weather is not that great so not going out....actually feeling down today....but will work at bringing my mood up as its horrible to blog while feeling like this as I dont want to make my readers feel miserable with me...LOL

Cycled indoors while watching American Idol...
Had a good 45 minute sweat..
Burned 624 calories

Now time to shower - get dressed, do my face, and have lunch...

2 rice cakes with 39g avo and 1 thin slice low fat cheese
2 rice cakes with mashed small banana

A friend popped around for about 30 minutes today, enough time to have a cup of coffee with me, I noticed something about myself...now remember I'm pretty quiet and not the most talkative one around...I never stopped speaking...she would breath getting ready to say something and I would speak again...I need to apologise to her - I never stopped jakking!! I dont get the chance to speak that often and when I do I'm making up for lost time.

1 Tin Tuna
1 Tsp Mayo
1 Tsp Chutney
small sweet potato
tomato, cucumber, green onion and orange pepper
POINTS = 4.5

Going to have 200ml Rose with heinz later....
Points = 2

Total points for today 18,5 out of 22.

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