Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 20 & 21/50 Days

This Greek yogurt I had while on holiday in Dubai and Abu Dhabi 
It tastes DIVINE...such a pity you can't buy in Germany.
At the moment the only Greek yogurt for sale is Greek yogurt made in Germany, all the international countries Greek yogurt has been stopped.
The German's have no idea how good this yogurt is.!!!

Yesterday I weighted I promised I would.
And was really frustrated to see I had gained 800g's in a week where I was 100% on plan.
I cannot explain how annoyed I felt and also re instated why I stopped climbing on the scale 10 months ago.
I feel good....I look good...but yet a gain.
Have got over that frustration and moving on, pointless letting it get to me as I have so much to be grateful for and still under my WW goal weight.

Last night I had two glasses of Rose' and one white...
Besides that...I ate on plan...was another good good eating day.
I skipped for 40 mins...and did abs for 5 mins before going out for a 5.11km run.
I was pleased with my time...( not something I focus on at the moment )
I ran 5km in 30. 47mins...and did walk 3 times...once for a sore side stitch and the other two times for hills. I can run up, but yesterday I didn't feel like pushing myself.

Sooooo TODAY is day 21 with watching my sugar
I bought Coconut flakes, Chia seeds yesterday while shopping...both are new to me so I have to figure out how and when to eat them...any idea's please feel free to pass them on to me. :)

I have been eating a new snack...not much...but a new snack dish for me.
1/2 tub greek yogurt...thats about 2 Tsp
1 tsp Almond butter
6 Almonds
Mix all together....
Have no idea what made me put these things together....but really love it now.
I did add Flaxseeds to it the first time I tried...also good...
Tonight we are going to have a BBQ...
Turkey and Salad for me.

I will be having a glass of wine this evening...

The way I see it, isn't necessarily the way you see it.

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