Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday ~ My REST day

Today when I woke up I decided it would be my rest day for the week.
I have two runs planned for Saturday and Sunday morning...
Today I have done nothing but housework, blogging, washing, shopping and catching up on tv as all my photo editing is done for now.
I've been feeling a little low today, I have noticed that every year when the season change I feel this the moment I'm not taking 5HTP, finished them about a month ago ~ am going to stock up again when in Cape they do help me through the depressing winter month.
Today I got to do the bulk of my shopping without hubby who gets back from France soon...
I loved it as I could shop at my favorite shop ~ which is not his favorite as the prices are a little bit more there than the shop he likes going to. What I like about this shop is the Organic range of foods...and free range eggs and chicken...saying that, I saw the price of an free range chicken, it was a biggish one....over 16 Euro's.. I looked and returned to the shelf...I might like to eat organic but not at that price!!


  1. The price is what stops me from eating more organic products. I wish being healthy wasn't so expensive. Even though you had a rest day it sounds like you stayed busy.

  2. That's indeed very expensive. Our government promotes organic/biological eating but the prices are very high and I'm not prepared to pay for that. Besides I don't really taste a difference as I do my fruits and vegetables shopping at the farmer's market that has very good products too.

  3. I am not sure RE: Euro's compared to US dollars but here organic is always more pricey!! Sounds like a wonderful way to spend your day- when I get home from work I plan to take an easier walk on the treadmill and make some greeting cards maybe watch tv...Have a wonderful weekend!! ENjoy hubby being back!
