My journey after losing 20kg's ( 44lbs ) to my daily struggles to maintaining my new weight and being newly diagnosed with MS
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Body Fat??
Friday, March 4, 2011
Hate the scale
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
So motivated
Monday, February 28, 2011
Ordered books
The 17 Day Diet was designed to help people avoid the holiday weight gain, however, the principles can be applied throughout the year to help you shed a few pounds.
Every 17 days, through four cycles, you’ll change what you’re doing, a method Dr. Moreno says “We call it metabolic, or body, confusion.” The four cycles are as follows:
- Cycle 1: Accelerate. Encourages rapid weight loss, cleansing and fat burning. Discourages fat storage.
- Cycle 2: Activate. Resets the metabolism.
- Cycle 3: Achieve. Develop good eating habits, re-teach yourself how to eat carbs.
- Cycle 4: Arrive. A combination of the first three Cycles. On weekends, enjoy your favorite foods.
During these four cycles you’ll alter the amount of carbs, fats and proteins you’re eating, keeping your metabolism on its toes and never settling in to one particular style of eating. It’s important to note that The 17 Day Diet relies on clean eating, which means no sugar, processed foods or fried foods.
For exercise, you’re advised to follow a brief 17-minute workout video each day.