I'm back on track again after 2 days of no training, besides walking and with my eating.
Last night I taught a Kettlebell class out on my neighbors lawn, it was a beautiful evening, far too hot to be stuck indoors.
This morning I did an indoor cycle for 15.5km, 30 mins while watching Oprah, then I did a 35 min Kettlebell workout..
In an hour and a half my hubby and I are off for a 10 km run...
Talking about my hubby...the weight is falling off him
He is looking so good.
I'm totally amazed at his determination to stick to the plan I've put him on.
And so excited to see he is getting results.
He is down 6.5kg's now.
The Body Ecology Diet ~ is the book I bought yesterday for my iPad
Has anyone read this book???
Its not a diet...its a plan to help the immune system.
I added these two photo's taken in ~Berlin~ wanted to show you how active the people are there...I was amazed how the mother in the first photo could cycle with high heel shoes....and skirt. The photo below I thought was something fun to do if with a big group of people....
The way I see it, isn't necessarily the way you see it.