Monday, February 28, 2011

Ordered books

My order is in...with Amazon.UK

I'm a HUGE Tosca fan so collecting all her books.
Amazon tells me I have to wait till April to receive this book

I also ordered 17 Day Diet ( check the website )
Saw this book on The Doctors and am interested in what it says as also Clean Eating.

The 17 Day Diet was designed to help people avoid the holiday weight gain, however, the principles can be applied throughout the year to help you shed a few pounds.

Every 17 days, through four cycles, you’ll change what you’re doing, a method Dr. Moreno says “We call it metabolic, or body, confusion.” The four cycles are as follows:

  • Cycle 1: Accelerate. Encourages rapid weight loss, cleansing and fat burning. Discourages fat storage.
  • Cycle 2: Activate. Resets the metabolism.
  • Cycle 3: Achieve. Develop good eating habits, re-teach yourself how to eat carbs.
  • Cycle 4: Arrive. A combination of the first three Cycles. On weekends, enjoy your favorite foods.

During these four cycles you’ll alter the amount of carbs, fats and proteins you’re eating, keeping your metabolism on its toes and never settling in to one particular style of eating. It’s important to note that The 17 Day Diet relies on clean eating, which means no sugar, processed foods or fried foods.

For exercise, you’re advised to follow a brief 17-minute workout video each day.


  1. Hi Marcelle - I've ordered the 17 Day Diet as well....I have a friend who is almost at the end of the first 17 days and is doing incredibly well with it. I think it will definitely help my metabolism reset and reboot the weight loss.

    Going out for a walk today at lunch...just because I can! Back to the gym and formal workouts later this week. Stay tuned, the new me will be revealed!

  2. I have pre-ordered my copy of Tosca's 2 new book that are coming in April...I can hardly wait as I am a big fan also!!!!

  3. Marcelle- You will have to let us know how the 17 Day Diet works for you!

  4. I'm interested to hear about your experience with the 17 Day Diet. It sounds interesting.

    I'm still waiting till they translate the books of Tosca in Dutch. I can read and understand English but when it comes to cooking/health books I need them in Dutch, especially since we have different measurements than in the UK/USA.
