Saturday, December 11, 2010

More thoughts on Sugar

Next week this time I will be back in Germany...
I will miss the beautiful Cape Town summer and the view....

I woke up this morning at 5am and decided instead of trying to fall asleep again to pick my Tosca's * Your Best Body Now * book and see what she has to say about sugar...

Gosh, how did I miss her message when I read her book the first it's in the book that SUGAR is amongst unhealthy saturated fats, trans fats and alcohol - I will quote from her book!

* These are collectively best considered as public enemy number one and have been linked to everything from obesity to heart diseases to cancer. Unfortunately, saturated fats, trans fat and sugar lurk in surprising places. When I began reading labels I was surprised at the number of foods that I thought were good for my family-even "diet", "low calorie" or "healthy" foods and frozen foods contained large amounts of unhealthy fats, sugar and sodium *

This quote above from Tosca's book once again tells me I am on the right track...once I have cleared my body of all Candida ( hence no fruit ) I will be able to go back to eating fruit but limited to one a day, not like I was doing on the new WW program where i was eating 3 fruits with my breakfast, two fruits as snacks and sometimes more after dinner ...after all fruit and veggies are free!

I have no idea how anyone can be on this lifestyle and not read labels, every book I read on healthy eating says * READ LABELS * - educate oneself on what you are putting into your body...From Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels to Tosca and of course many more, but those three are my favorites to read at this time.
I started reading labels when I was diagnosed with MS as Aspartame and all sweeteners I had to keep out my diet....this trend has just continued with me as I went into the Clean eating plan...
I never put anything in my mouth without reading the labels first....
I have educated myself....I have made the changes ~ this works for me!

This is my motto for myself.

MARCELLE ~ Don't eat calorie-dense foods that offer no nutritional value


  1. I have been catching up with all your thoughts on sugar and the effects of the different diet plans on your weight - and it is very interesting, I think your analysis is right - too much sugar, even fruit, can be very bad. I am glad you are getting to where you are figuring out things for yourself - that is so key to good health and a happy life! I hope you enjoy your last days in the sun and warm weather and with your family and friends and have a safe trip back home.

  2. Sounds like an awesome motto!!!

    I love to read labels now, but grocery shopping takes a lot longer! Are you into buying free range, drug free meat products too? Organic dairy?

  3. I read labels but not for the sugar content. For things like Aspartame and fats. But I will most definitely start reading for sugar also.
    What are you going or do you currently eat in the place of fruit?

  4. I just gave you an award!

    Keep up the amazing work! You're a true inspiration!!!

  5. Awesome Marcelle- Can you share what your new food plan is looking like?
