Saturday, October 22, 2011

Where am I right now

I'm drinking a glass of Merlot wine while doing this entry tonight....:)

For the last while my eating has not been stella....I've been snacking and not eating proper lunches like I know I should.
I also have not been drinking my 3 cups of Green if I'm lucky and not enough water...some days as little as two glasses...when I'm cold I really struggle with water...I want to drink coffee instead.
I've been having toast and peanut butter most lunch times...
I bought ingredients for my fav Green shake last week and never made one!!!
I have to throw the plain yogurt away as past sell by date now.
So what I'm saying here is since Italy, I have not been very good with my eating..
I dont eat bad foods, but just not the way I normally eat so its rattling me a bit.

On the 1st November I'm joining a few of the ladies on my online group to do the 17 DD again as this plan works...I have lots of energy and drop kg's.
I want to get my eating under control before I go on my South African 8 week holiday in a months time...
If I don't I fear returning having gained weight and this is something I've never done before.

My training is going that department I am totally in control
I run 4 x a week always 8km or more, never less
I do kettlebell for strength training
I teach 2 class and PT once a week...

I'm enjoying the next few days before the eating plan starts....hence the red wine tonight as once on plan that is something I cant have..
I have warned my hubby that I will be doing this plan....

Weight wise am still holding my maintenance weight...

The way I see it, isn't necessarily the way you see it.


  1. you really snacked around a lot the last week... you will need a proper lunch soon... ;-) will help you with that on wednesday (?)... hopefully...

  2. I'm holding your hand on this November group.....I believe I'll be restarting cycle 1 again then!

  3. I am sure that the 17DD will bring you back on track again.
    Sad to hear that you have not made your smoothie as of yet because they are so delicious. Buying ingredients tomorrow again - me and the family love those green (spinach) smoothies :)

  4. I'm sure you will get back on track next week. Once you set your mind on something you do it.

    Good luck.

  5. Marcelle,

    Email me your fitbloggers site...I have a new computer and cant find the blog

