My first organized run...what a wonderful experience in many ways, I experienced lots of nerves, negative and positive thoughts all in one moment...
I entered the 12.4km and not the 5km as I knew I would be able to run this without any problems ~ so funny how the mind plays tricks on one....I started doubting that I could run this distance the night lack of confidence started showing its ugly head....
We had to register an hour before the run was planned..
Getting there I really felt so out of depth as I had no idea where to go, I left it all up to my German friend and hubby...I just followed...and did what they told me to do!
I really felt like a newbie and that everyone around me noticed...which they didn't but its how one feels with anything the first stick out like a sore thumb.
I went to the toilet so often before the run started ~ also made sure I kept drinking to keep hydrated...the temp was 27 degrees Celsius ~ hot after a cold week weather wise....
Before the run I noticed many of the runners were running around the track....I took it to warm up, but later heard it was to add km to their run....* crazy * but hey they are professional runners and know what they are doing and why!! Christine and I decided to walk around the track...once and then said...* Shade * as so hot....Christine started the 5km run 15 mins before my run started....with her run ahead of mine, it gave me time to focus on myself another trip to the loo, another sip of water and into the group I walked. When I noticed all the men were standing in the front of the group I walked to the middle, where I saw women standing....I put my music on, put my finger on my Garmin to push start and waited....soon the gun went off and everyone started running...I heard myself thinking...
* Here I go *
The pace was so fast....I thought I would keep the fast pace till out of the stadium, but even there many started running past me, as I got out of the stadium and about to turn onto the road a father pushing a special running pram run past such a fast pace....I heard he came in 4th with that pram ~ so that will tell you how fast he went...imagine without the pram his pace! Anyway....I decided to slow down as saw my HR was so high and already I was starting to feel as if I wanted to walk...( never walked once ) Before the 2km mark I started asking myself what on earth had made me decide to do this.....was I crazy....would anyone be disappointed if I stopped and admitted this was not for me...THEN...remembered my son's challenge to me and while running I could hear him saying to me * Go Mom, you can do this * ~ I heard my little granddaughter shouting * Goooooooooooo Nana * ~ I kept on repeating those words in my mind, their voices, their smiles ~ it got me over that bump....after that I never once had a feeling that I wanted to stop or give up...
There were 3 water points, the first one I missed, the last had a drop of water in the mug......most of the way I struggled with mouth was dry, I kept licking my lips and when I finished I felt as if my lips were all white from all the licking.... I was hoping to see my hubby along the way with my water bottle...but of course with him not knowing my route he stayed in the stadium. The sun was not bothering me....there were sections of the route, the Trail sections where there was no shade and all open, those sections many of the other runners slowed down or walked a little, this gave me a chance to pass them. My feet were killing me after the 7km mark....the balls of both my feet were on fire. When getting dressed for the run I had to decided on my road running shoes or my Trailer Salomon's ~ thinking it would be all road I chose the road shoes...Mistake...road shoes don't protect your feet on Trail routes....
When I reached the 6km mark, I noticed that many were slowing down, I then changed the music on my ipod to a much faster beat and started going a little faster...knowing now I was half way ~ I knew I now had to repeat what I had just completed....
But also knowing that I become a better runner after 5km.....~ my confidence came back to me at that point....knowing I could do this....When I reached 5km and noticed my time was 29 mins, I got motivation to push knowing I was running at a good pace.
I ran most of the run on my own....with people way in front or way behind me.....the last 2km I saw this man I had chatted to at the start, he was going at a fast pace, decided to push to catch him.....was difficult ~ no matter how I tried he stayed a head of me...he noticed me behind him at one point and turned around to give me words of encouragement....
I told him I was struggling as my feet were so sore...
He told me that I only had a km to to keep going...
He was still ahead of me...
I was pushing...and pushing...I wanted to get next to him or pass him.
As we entered the stadium he started speaking to me so slowed down his own pace
I got to catch up!!!!
When I entered the stadium we ran in together...he allowed me to go a little in front of the end he told us he allowed me to go ahead cause I'm from Cape Town...and he loves Cape Town....had been there for a holiday 2 years ago for 3 weeks.
Marcy, congratulations!!! I felt like I was right there with you, reading your report, and it brings back so many memories of my first race experience - the fear and excitement, feeling like you don't know what you are doing, etc...
ReplyDeleteAwesome finish, and you look so great! You really deserve to feel proud of yourself!
Very well done Marcy, I'm very proud of you.
ReplyDeleteLike Amy it brings back to my first race too, I had the same experiences as you had. The only thing that never stopped is the toilet visit before a race, I keep going and being nervous. Till today I'm still nervous before a race.
You did great and lovely pictures! CONGRATS!
Congratulations Marcy. Job well done!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Job!!! You should be so proud of yourself!
ReplyDeleteOh Marcelle I am SO happy for you. SO proud of you. SO amazed by you! I've been waiting to see this post. Saw you had completed it, but wanted to read about your experience before I commented.
ReplyDeleteIn my experience it is not uncommon for runners to encourage each other, or say things like "Good Job", "Keep Up the Good Work" and such while passing each other. Runners seem to be very supportive at races.
You look so experienced out there. I doubt anyone would have guess this was your first time.
Eeek, I am so excited that this race was such a positive experience for you. Now maybe you understand the pull to race - hahaha. YOU are a racer now too!!!
I like how you have posted in this format about the race. It give the idea of how organized runs actually are, for those like me, who don't do organized runs. It's so interesting. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWay cool! I love how you described the whole experience. Congrats on your first run and hope there will be many many more in the future! :)